About Faraz Ahmed

My Journey

My passion for technology began at a young age, delving into cyber security, networking, and programming. However, my professional journey truly began in 2019 when I started freelancing career as a web developer. Starting on platforms like Fiverr and Upwork, I quickly built a successful profile, earning the prestigious status of a Fiverr Pro Seller and ranking in the top 3% of Upwork talents.


With over a 5 years of experience as a tech lead and frontend I've had the privilege of working with a diverse range of international and multinational brands, as well as innovative startups. My expertise spans a variety of areas, including:

  1. UI/UX Design:

    Designing Completely custom UI UX for the websites with focus on CRO.

  2. Web Development:

    Developing Rock Solid Websites and Web Applications using Nextjs, MERN Stack, WordPress, Webflow, Shopify, and headless CMS architectures.

  3. Custom Web Apps

    Developing tailored solutions to meet unique business needs and streamline operations.

  4. Conversion Rate optimization(CRO)

    Brand First CRO to give your business the edge over competitors. a unique user experience focused on improving conversion rates.

Developios Agency

All of my projects, products and ideas are managed by my beloved team at Developios

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